30 before 30: No. #10 – Have visited 30 countries

Medical school finals have taken up a lot of my attention recently and thus my #thirtybefore30 list has taken somewhat of a backseat. But i’m back on it, and hoping to be posting a bit more regularly now! Here’s a reminder of the list:

  1. Learn to ride a motorbike
  2. Go skydiving
  3. Learn how to ski/surf
  4. Eat a vegetable that you’ve grown from seed
  5. Deadlift 100kg
  6. Pay for a stranger’s meal
  7. Swim Boscombe to Bournemouth pier
  8. Learn how to play poker
  9. Do the splits
  10. Have visited 30 countries
  11. Cycle London to Brighton
  12. Go to the opera
  13. Read the bible entirely
  14. Get a tattoo
  15. Sleep under the stars
  16. Repair a bike puncture
  17. Go to a life drawing class
  18. Engage in a clinical trial
  19. Go to Shakespeare’s Globe
  20. Go to an outdoor screening of a film
  21. Sell a piece of artwork you’ve created 
  22. Carve a pumpkin
  23. Do a pull up 
  24. Go stand up paddle boarding
  25. Climb the three peaks
  26. Write and record a song
  27. Learn to play chess
  28. Visit someone in prison
  29. Read a famous trilogy 
  30. Become a doctor

This one on the list has to be my most favourite one to have completed so far! I love to travel. I think it’s the best possible way to spend time and money in this lifetime and it may be my singular greatest passion.

I am fully aware that some cynics amongst you will consider it a bit of a stretch that I have separated out the United Kingdom into it’s individual constituencies, that said, if you’ve ever attended a pub in the UK during the Six Nations you would not be able to disagree that the people are quite passionate about these being different countries, or if you’ve ever tried to pay for anything in England with a Scottish note, you know exactly what I’m talking about!

So the thirtieth country I visited was Cuba.

I have my mum to thank for this one, as she took us over for my dad’s birthday. Known for good rum, cigars, and the missile crisis, this adventure was certainly no ordinary one, and I came back with a lot of food for thought! Anyways, here are the countries i’ve been fortunate enough to visit over the years (in alphabetical order) …

  1. Australia
  2. Belgium
  3. Canada
  4. Cuba
  5. Croatia
  6. Czech Republic
  7. Denmark
  8. France
  9. Germany
  10. Hungary
  11. Indonesia
  12. Ireland
  13. Italy
  14. Laos
  15. Malaysia
  16. Malta
  17. Morocco
  18. Netherlands
  19. New Zealand
  20. Poland
  21. Portugal
  22. Scotland
  23. Singapore
  24. Spain
  25. South Korea
  26. Thailand
  27. Turkey
  28. USA
  29. Vietnam
  30. Wales

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